Disability: Caring Neanderthals versus decaring in nowadays Germany

There is rising evidence that Neanderthals cared for their disabled children. In nowadays Germany there is an opposite trend- despite the ardent moral confessions of government officials: from the outside disabled people without money can not immigrate, inside it is made very difficult for disabled citizens to inherit, the fall on social care. The given explanation of the first, raised social costs, is in stark contrast to the second.

A 1989 found Skeletal remains of a 6 year old child from medium stone age in Spain did undergo close examination (https://www.science.org/content/article/bones-reveal-first-evidence-down-syndrome-neanderthals). Bone deformation made clear that this child had Down Syndrome and would have been in the need of life time care. The harsh living conditions of these times suggest that it the whole community must have done at least some caring to help the child to survive.

It’s not the first time archaeologists did find prove that Neanderthals cared for those with special needs. A Neanderthal man buried at Shanidar Cave in modern-day Iraq, died at about age 50 with impaired vision and hearing and one arm partially amputated— with these conditions he could only have survived with the help of others.

The caring Neanderthal society is a stark contrast to what happens in modern Germany. Here a forced discrimination of disabled people takes place, while officially “ die guten Menschen von Deutschland” (the good people of Germany;  german ex General Erich Vad on the Germans who actually wage war in the name of morality) generously apply their moral lectures on other countries.

As a matter of fact, discrimination of disabled people is the number one form of discrimination in nowadays Germany, if one relates the number of reported discriminating acts to the number of disabled people living there. But one will not hear or read about this. Instead racism dominates the public discussion.

The report on Discrimination (“Diskriminierung in Deutschland – Erfahrungen, Risiken und Fallkonstellationen Vierter Gemeinsamer Bericht der Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes und der in ihrem Zuständigkeitsbereich betroffenen Beauftragten der Bundesregierung und des Deutschen Bundestages, 2021, https://www.antidiskriminierungsstelle.de/SharedDocs/downloads/DE/publikationen/BT_Bericht/gemeinsamer_bericht_vierter_2021.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=4, page 24 and following): „16.415 Beratungsanfragen, in denen Betroffene eine Diskriminierung aufgrund eines in § 1 AGG geschützten Merkmals (ethnische Herkunft / rassistische Zuschreibung, Geschlecht, Religion oder Weltanschauung, Behinderung, Alter, sexuelle Identität) erlebt haben und 6.413 Bürger*innen mit Beschwerden, Hilfe- und Auskunftsersuchen zum Thema Behinderungen….. Im Durchschnitt aller Beratungsfälle von 2017 bis 2020 wurde bei jeweils einem Drittel der Beratungsersuchen mit AGG-Merkmalsbezug von einer Diskriminierung wegen der ethnischen Herkunft bzw. rassistischer Zuschreibungen (33 Prozent) oder einer Behinderung (32 Prozent) berichtet. 24 Prozent der Beratungsanfragen bezogen sich auf die Diskriminierungsdimension Geschlecht.“

But there are only 7,8 Mio Disabled living in Germany (https://www.destatis.de/DE/Presse/Pressemitteilungen/2022/06/PD22_259_227.html) whereas over 25 Mio people have a foreign background (https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Gesellschaft-Umwelt/Bevoelkerung/Migration-Integration/_inhalt.html), which makes disabled people the most discriminated group. The number of the reported discriminating acts against disabled persons related to the number of disabled people in the BRD is three times higher than because of racism. Though there is much silence, rarely two points pope up, like that if access is barrier-free or the low wages in sheltered workshops, but the systemic discrimination in government institution, law system and healthcare is not mentioned. In contrast discussions about discrimination because of racism or gender (meaning LGBT mainly, where even lesser persons are affected) dominate.

A good part of the discrimination of disabled people took place in goverment institutions and secondly in health system (see page 162 of report).

Another example of the discrimination of the disabled is the brandnew adjustment of the immigration law which excludes de facto disabled people (https://taz.de/Reform-des-Einbuergerungsrechts/!5987447/). Citizenship is only given to them, who can support themselves. This is extremely discriminating and does reflect historic german Nazism in which disabled people were regarded as burden and unworthy of living- attitudes which lead to their final extermination.

The liberals arguments are the rising social costs. Interestingly disabled people are regularly kicked out of inheritage and fall into the social system. This is the case when officially a “Behindertentestament” is left by the testator, a possibility to exclude the disabled kin from inheriting. Even lawyers do not know, what needs to be done quickly so that the disabled person does not lose their constitutional right to inherit – one must contest this last will and reclaim the legal portion.

In Berlin there is a case where judges delivered that it is rightful to fraud disabled people of their legal portion in a heritage containing several millions Euros and this is not a problem when the victim consequently needs lifelong welfare provided by taxpayers (http://www.vulnerabel-rechtlos.de/). Curiously enough the city state of Berlin recently declared to be near bankruptcy when no change in handling financial means will occur. Even that does not change the systemic hate against the disabled and the poor in german politics, government institution and law system.

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