
Outcasts in German society: disabling, life threatening and economic burden of rare diseases not recognized

As many international studies and also the german Ethikrat put it (https://cripples-unite.de/discrimination-unknown-poor-situation-germany-rare-disease/): having a rare disease means facing multiple problems resulting in total exclusion from constitutional rights: 1. the subsistence level is not covered;2. many health costs have to be paid privately;3. in addition transportation and travel costs to see specialized doctors;4. and there are …

Outcasts in German society: disabling, life threatening and economic burden of rare diseases not recognized Read More »

Disability: Caring Neanderthals versus decaring in nowadays Germany

There is rising evidence that Neanderthals cared for their disabled children. In nowadays Germany there is an opposite trend- despite the ardent moral confessions of government officials: from the outside disabled people without money can not immigrate, inside it is made very difficult for disabled citizens to inherit, the fall on social care. The given …

Disability: Caring Neanderthals versus decaring in nowadays Germany Read More »

Discrimination unknown: poor situation of persons with rare diseases and multimorbidity in Germany still not acknowledged.

The German Institute for Human Rights criticised the continuing inadequate implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Germany (https://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/2023-08/deutsches-institut-menschenrechte-un-behindertenrechtskonvention-mangel). The lack of inclusion in schools and the lack of payment in working places which are designed to employ handicapped persons,  as well as the form of large residential facilities …

Discrimination unknown: poor situation of persons with rare diseases and multimorbidity in Germany still not acknowledged. Read More »

No rare disease awareness although the state of Berlin as first of the german states had implemented an antidiscrimination law- but it is not respected by municipal authorities

Its quite absurd, that the administration does not want to recognise the recently implemented Antidiscrimination Law of the city. In this case the responsible authority, the Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales (State Office for Health and Social Affairs Berlin), Lageso,  did not deny the discriminating act, but refuses to reimburse the immaterial damage.Equitable opportunity and …

No rare disease awareness although the state of Berlin as first of the german states had implemented an antidiscrimination law- but it is not respected by municipal authorities Read More »