
Outcasts in German society: disabling, life threatening and economic burden of rare diseases not recognized

As many international studies and also the german Ethikrat put it ( having a rare disease means facing multiple problems resulting in total exclusion from constitutional rights: 1. the subsistence level is not covered;2. many health costs have to be paid privately;3. in addition transportation and travel costs to see specialized doctors;4. and there are …

Outcasts in German society: disabling, life threatening and economic burden of rare diseases not recognized Read More »

Disability: Caring Neanderthals versus decaring in nowadays Germany

There is rising evidence that Neanderthals cared for their disabled children. In nowadays Germany there is an opposite trend- despite the ardent moral confessions of government officials: from the outside disabled people without money can not immigrate, inside it is made very difficult for disabled citizens to inherit, the fall on social care. The given …

Disability: Caring Neanderthals versus decaring in nowadays Germany Read More »